Hey Bears!
My name is Lila Martin, and I'm the Student Body President at Mt. Juliet High School. I am ecstatic about this year and all of the great memories I hope to make together.
I have a lot of fun surprises planned! My top goal this year is to increase our school spirit. It’s my plan to create a space where everyone feels valued and heard and ultimately improve the environment at Mt. Juliet. I envision a school that promotes excellence in all areas and every student in it to be a proud member of the close-knit community.
Freshman class officer elections are coming up so be on the lookout for more information.
We had our first football game this past Thursday. I am very proud of the turnout and the Bear Pride shown.
We also have our first pep rally on September 15; it’s going to be great!
I am really excited about the TN State Fair this year. I’m looking forward to seeing our cheer, dance and Ag programs at the fair, and I can’t wait to eat funnel cake!
If you can’t tell, I am so happy to be starting this year of memories with all of you. I hope you’re as excited as I am!
'Til the next newsletter…
Lila Martin
2023-2024 Student Body President
Published bi-weekly on Fridays.